Busy, but still behind
Okay... it's been a while. You probably figured out already that I wasn't going to make it through the A to Z Blogging Challenge. As a matter of fact I stopped at D. That's not bad for a jewelry maker who can't manage to get any jewelry made.
I have been teaching jewelry classes, though. I signed up for a Groupon Class deal and have been sharing my techniques with some wonderful ladies each Saturday afternoon for nearly a year.
I've also done a few private lessons. I'd never done one-on-one teaching before, but I love it.
I'm still writing. Check out my Yahoo! Contributor Network articles on Yahoo!TV.
And.... I make jewelry. Never as much as I intend to make, but you can see what I've done on Etsy.com
If you buy something, use coupon code 122010 for a 20% discount.
That's it for now. .....
Oh, I almost forgot.... the picture. That's my new little 3 month old grandson, E'mile. That's 2 grand-boys now. The other is 3 & 1/ year old Daniel.
E'mile was my little model for a recent craft project article:
Isn't he sweet?
Anyway... bye. Gotta go make something.
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