My Inspiration Lives On..
My mom, Carolyn was my inspiration. Throughout the years of my fairly successful career in the insurance industry, Mom kept insisting I "do something with my art."
About the time I realized how short life was, I finally heard what my mom was trying to say. I quit my corporate job and proceeded to find my artsy self.
That was just about 20 years ago. Since then I have created jewelry, grown in my mastery of wire and metal work and earned ribbons and cash awards at art shows.
I have passed on what I've learned to others, including lots of women at an inner city ministry called Sarah Center.
My wonderful, inspiring mother passed away in January. The entire month went by in a blur, but I'm feeling that old inspiration again. Just the way she would have wanted it.
I have been writing articles and teaching classes set up via Groupon. (Click here if you want to know how to do that)
I'm doing alright with my artsy self. I'm feeling inspired.... now if only I can get back to making jewelry.
Thanks Mom
ReplyDeleteyou are such a talented giving person. for so many years you have given your time teaching inner city women how to create beautiful wire art jewelry.
Along with teaching this wonderful skill you also blessed the women with the knowledge of how start their own business selling the jewelry they learned to make.
I know first hand because i am one of them. i appreciate all you have taught me over the years. because of your giving and loving spirit i began to believe in myself... i started viewing myself with a more positive attitude. thank you honestly helped to change my life.
with infinite love,
michelle chaney